Project 5 (Final) Mixed techniques: Joshua Woody

The first step I took in creating this project was determining what I wanted to do. My wife has a chronic illness that affects her joints and it was recommended by her doctor that she wear thumb braces daily. She's gone through a numerous amount of some braces and different styles each one not covering all of the bases that it needs to. There are three joints in the thumb that need to be protected. From wrist to tip of the thumb, the joints are: · the Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joint, · Metacarpophalangeal (MP) Joint, · and Interphalangeal (IP) Joint. most thumb braces only protect one or two, in addition, the some braces are restrictive to the point where wrist Mobility is impinged. An ideal brace would allow for the most mobility in certain directions but negate hypermobility in the wrong directions and would protect from all four...