Introducing Austin Parcell

 Hello, my name is Austin Parcell and I am one of the two TAs for this semester. I am majoring in Engineering Science, with a focus in Mechanical Engineering. This is my second semester working in the makerspace, but I've been using the space for my entire time here.

I grew up in Wichita, Kansas but decided on Trinity University because of  its small size and engineering department.

I've been the TA for Engineering Design I, a course very similar to this last semester, and am very exited to being able to help you all find a love for the space.

I have a particular interest in things rocketry related, and am the president of the rocketry club here on campus. The club has finished a number of parts, including the entire motor. We used multiple metalworking tools to make these. Some pictures of the parts are shown below.

 The makerspace has also been useful in creating gifts for family. I used the laser cutter and CNC for these, along with the Stratasys.


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