Lora Wargo: Project 4 CNC

 1. Process: 

When I began this project, I intended to create four CNC cut hearts. I have a close group of friends, and the hearts would resemble the different places we are from: Dallas, TX; Wichita, Kansas; San Antonio, TX; and Seoul, South Korea. 

To start, I created the CAD model for the hearts. Because the overall idea was similar to the tutorial we did in class, I used the tutorial video to go through the process. The major design change I made was to the shape, by turning it into a heart, and removing the card-holding pocket. To make the heart shape, I used the arch and line tools in design to sketch out a heart. I use the convergent tool to make all the points overlap. 

For the actual cut, I started with the San Antonio heart. However, after seeing the cut, I noticed how flat the terrain was. I considered all the locations I intended on using and realized that Dallas, San Antonio, and Wichita would all have very bland terrain. While the intention was a good idea, the reality is that only Seoul has textured terrain. Therefore, I changed the trajectory of my project and decided to only make the heart for Seoul. 

I used the same CAD model for Seoul that I used for San Antonio, and that worked very well.

2. Result: The resulting product is a wooden heart with the terrain of Seoul engraved into it. The terrain is varied, as Seoul is mountainous. Additionally, the heart has varying colors, due to the different wood grains in the material.

3. Reflection: To reflect, I have learned to think about how my project will turn out in regards to what I am choosing to implement. Next time, I will think ahead to how the terrain will work based on the actual terrain.


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