Joshua Woody: Proposal: Mixed Techniques

 1. Proposal Statement: 

I plan to make a thumb brace for my partner, who has a genetic condition which affects her mobility in her joints, causing regular pain and dislocations. the best way for her to be protected is to utilize braces to keep everything in place, however most braces either limit full mobility or do not cover all the necessary joints of the thumb, so I am setting out to make a thumb brace that fits her hands and can cover multiple joints while keeping mobility in certain directions. 

2. Advise

Hodge and my partner, both of whom are my go-tos for issues and discussions about the project and each level of development. I have already discussed with my partner the restrictions and limitations of the designs she currently uses, and what style would benefit her by preventing the specific types of dislocations each of her hands is prone to. I have discussed with Ryan already with the techniques for personalizing a medical thumb brace, we discussed the difficulties and trials that we may encounter, and what materials I may want to use. for example, my initial design included using the plasma cutter to make the brace out of metal, Ryan suggested using a 3d printed model first. after discussing with my partner, she indicated that she may be allergic to the metal used in the plasma cutter, specifically any Kobalt or nickel alloys, and so the search was on for the right type of material. 

3. Rough game plan

My plan is as follows: step 1 is to determine which joints need to be immobilized and where, during step 1, I will study some physiological effects of bracing in the joints in the thumb, and where the most effective location for bracing usually falls for each joint. step 2 is to create an initial sketch in 3 dimensions to cover the affected areas. step 3 is to scan my subject's hands using an academia creaform 50. once the scan is complete, I will clean up the model. when the model is ready, I will make a mockup of the 3d brace to compare to the digital one. Then I will begin designing in fusion360. when I have a working design, I will print it using a regular Prusa, and when I have the final product, I will use the resin printer. 

4. Needs: 

I need several types of resources for this project, I will need prototyping materials such as clay, wood, tape, and wire. I will need access to a fusion360 capable computer. I will need access to an academia50 creaform 3d scanner, lastly, I will need access to a Prusa printer And a resin printer, the resin printer will be for the final product,


  1. Review of Joshua Woody: Proposal: Mixed Techniques
    1. Love how you design things for use of others (seen this in other projects)

    2. Love the use of the 3D scanner. This is another tool outside of what students were taught…

    3. Formlab resin printer: won’t be able to use since the cost of the material is too high (Ryan also stated the strength of the Formlabs resin might not be strong enough)

    4. Rough game plan: you need to also think about when these tasks are gong to be completed, and think about alternate plans in case something doesn’t work as you expect it to the first time (many times it doesn’t); Ryan’s comment: Think about other metals materials (coating them) and possibly using the Mini Mill instead of the plasma Cutter

    5. Fusion 360: think about how complex the design will be, and can you build that in the software


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