
Showing posts from February, 2023

Joshua Woody Project 2: Laser cutter

Please note that I submitted this without the images because I kept getting an error from my phone saying incomplete action due to low memory, I will add the pictures when I can. My Process consisted of three main phases, the design phase, the digitization phase, and the fabrication phase. Each phase of the process ended in a different result, and required overcoming different challenges. I will show the result and reflection at the end of each phase along with the process that took me through it.  in the design phase, I figured out what I wanted to, then I took measurements of my constraints, and then designed a product based on those design constraints and goal. The first thing I did was keep the design simple into a box based off of a tutorial I was given and was inspired to create a variation from this tutorial based off of a problem I was having. In our fridge, we store insulin, and the storage is inefficient and occasionally we will misplace or mistakenly break a valuable ins...

Lora Wargo Project 2: Laser Cutter

  When beginning this project, I wanted to try something more challenging than just a box. I quickly found the hexagonal shape within Fusion 360 and decided that I wanted to make a hexagonal box.  After completing the pencil box tutorial, I started on my box with one of the sides, giving it all the cut-outs to fit together with another five sides which would be identical to the first. Then, I used the hexagonal shape and the cut feature to create the bottom of the box.  I faced my first problem when I attempted to duplicate my sketch of the side to create the other five sides. I wanted to use the Mirror feature to duplicate it around a center point, but the issue I was running into was how to set the pivot point. To solve this issue, I added a vertical line in the centerpoint of my base. I used that vertical line as my pivot point and duplicated the sketch to all sides. Next, I wanted to create a lid for the box that would fit snugly using a smaller hexagon underneath...

Daisy Serebrin Project 2: Laser Cutter

 In making my Laser Cutting project, I first looked online to get ideas. Once I got the idea to make a candle box, I started designing my candle box on fusion. I wanted to make something simpler than my last project but something I would use. While candles aren't allowed in dorms, I could put a LED candle in instead while here. I started designing my box, but my dimension was off, so I started over. When I started again, I started with one of the sides. I decided I wanted my box to be 4x4 and added the teeth. I then created the other side and did the same steps. After I extruded each side twice so that I could see where the bottom and teeth would go. I thought it was going really well and then I came into problems. Some of my measurements were off and since I found putting measurements on everything and not equaling it, I went in and had to change the measurements on each piece. Ryan and Andrew helped me quite a bit on this because, with one of my sides, there was a gap when combin...

Rob Patrick Project 2: Laser cutter

Design and Planning Project number two began with a Fusion sample tutorial, which demonstrated how to design for laser cutter fabrication.  Watching the tutorial taught me the software, and equally important, gave me the insight of what is possible with the materials and tools as well as some possible constraints I might encounter.  The material provided for the project was 1/4-inch plywood, which was to be crafted into a box or lightweight storage container.  The Rayjet 500 would be used for cutting the parts from the plywood.  For my project, I decided to build a tool/parts tray to use in my garage.  When working on anything, it's often helpful to have a lightweight container to hold small hardware and tools together in one place, preventing accidental loss or random misplacement.  Prior to starting the design in Fusion, I sketched the box on paper and determined the basic dimensions.   Execution Following the tutorial, I replicated several of t...

Joshua Woody- Project 1 Building with Hand Tools

     the process of my project took 4 phases, training, design, prepping, and fabrication. in the training phase, I learned how to use hand tools safely, how to use fusion 360 program, and how to properly set up a wood board for cutting, during the design phase, I looked at similar designs to the one I wanted to make, and made design choices that would benefit my personal use. during the prepping phase, I took my design and measured it out onto my material. during the fabrication phase, I used hand tools to take my design and shape my given material into it's shape  over the course of my three phases of process, I encountered issues which prompted me to think deeper about solutions. for example, during the design phase in fusion 360, I chose to make the sides of my toolbox wider on the top and smaller on the bottom to fit my needs, this simple change radically informed a new process for creating my tooltote, and I had to learn more about angles and reprint my bluepri...

Rob Patrick Project 1: Building with hand tools

The purpose of this blog post is to document Project No. 1 by (a.) describing the fabrication process, (b.) illustrating how the end result was achieved through thoughtful design, and (c.) discussing reflections on the project.     Design and Planning The old adage "measure twice, cut once" could be modified to "measure twice, then measure again..." for anyone not adept at woodworking.  The assignment: model a tool tote using Fusion 360, then build it in the MakerSpace using wood and hand tools.  Fortunately, we were given some latitude to design and build a tote or container more useful for our personal living/work space.   In seeking ideas for what to build, my daughter gladly volunteered her request for an art supplies box to fit in her bunk bed cubby.  Upon further investigation of Amazon and Home Depot websites, we quickly found a design concept of her liking ( Figure 1 ).  The next step was to measure the actual cubby and cons...

Daisy Serebrin Project 1: Building with Hand Tools

    Starting project 1, my first thought when hearing what needed to be made was, "I'm never going to use a toolbox". When it was said that it didn't need to be a toolbox, I knew I wanted a planter box but it could not be as simple as putting four pieces of wood on a base of wood. I started off watching Ryan's video on how to use Fusion. The whole process was personally really tricky. I created two boxes thinking I would just put them together and hollow them out and be done. That was not the case. I had to separate the boxes, hollow them out, and put them together again. I had to also make a cutout for the water to flow from one box to the other. Just that part was tricky because I didn't know how to cut out just a little piece until I was told to use the really helpful drawing setting. During each step I took, there were times when I had to backtrack to move forward which was hard because I thought that I was almost done and I wasn't. I'm so glad I f...

Project 1: Building with Hand Tools. By Alicia Brechin

     On day one of the project, we were to watch a Fusion 360 tutorial about how to make the example tote. After watching this video, I rewatched and attempted a practice tote to ensure I followed the techniques and knew what was required of me. I then drew some concepts of the tote I wanted to create that would be useful. After creating a concept design, I went back into Fusion 360 to start on a 3D model. This modeling took several days since I decided to edit the design and incorporate a sketchbook holder in the tower handle of the tote.       Once I had the design I wanted, I worked on the measurements and all the pieces incorporated into the design. Then using these measurements, I marked and cut the pieces out using the chop saw and the bandsaw.     Once the pieces were cut, I could begin assembling the tote. During this stage, I realized that I had not taken the .75 in thickness into account with the measurements, so as I put pieces tog...